Café Bourbon Pointu, le Café Lontan
A coffee distinguished by a unique taste with a good acidity, low bitterness and a low caffeine level.
Discover it’s taste , citrus Sometimes, Sometimes chocolate, always intense...

The delicate aroma of this coffee is the delight of connoisseurs in the eighteenth century, including Louis XV. In the following century, Honoré Balzac would have also been in love of this cofee.
The taste of the beverage is refined and delicate. Sensory properties are exceptional, thanks to very original fruity notes: orange, tangerine and lychee even in some batches. It has aroused great enthusiasm among the testers involved in the project. The coffee specialist Yoshiaki Kawashima has in turn retained the sweet taste, fruity and elegant from the first sip.
Early in 2007, the Specialty Coffee Association of Japan gives to the “Bourbon Pointu” the rare distinction of "premium coffee", which applies to products suffering from defects and having marked flavors.
With the objective to better respect the living environment and not denatured this gift of nature.
Our operation is done with the utmost respect for nature, while chemical is excluded from our culture.
This Bio culture choice allows you to consume coffee without risk of exposure to harmful effect of chemicals and allows our coffee to be distinguish.
Worldwide recognized
The Bourbon Pointu traveled the world: Japan, Spain, Scotland, Germany and other. Japanese and other countries have qualified it of most excellent coffee, great coffee and Coffee High end. The Bourbon Pointu coffee is qualified of "zero defect"
Le Bourbon Pointu
A coffee without bitterness, very soft and finesse. Fruity and surprising aromas of citrus.
Le bourbon Pointu is recognized on worldwide and particularly popular with Japanese
Our secret to cultivate our coffee reflects on the final quality of the taste and makes it above other varieties of coffee, but also other production of Bourbon Pointu.
100% Biologic,nature-friendly and respectful of the living by the absence of chemical.
The lowest caffeine content of all Arabicas.
Not only drinkable but also used by leading pastry chefs in the manufacture of their delicacies too.